
NEDBANK the least secure bank ever!!!!

WOW So apparently any joe soap can cancelle your bank cards - well so I found out this weekend!!!!!

So its pay weekend and my credit card has been reported stolen, although it is still living with its other friends warm and safe in my wallet. My current account card was swollowed due to "no funds" well thats what that retarded slip the machine spat out at me said, turns out it was because that card has also been cancelled. Then to top off a fantastic weekend, I got to sit at the garage well I waited for my mommy to bring me some cash as my garage card had also been cancelled!!!!

So as you can imagine by the time I got to the bank this morning I was livid!!!!

So after threating death and being told repeatedly that it must have been me that went to the seapoint branch (in Cape Town) to cancel my cards - did i mentioned I live in JHBn - theyu finally gave me a debit card to draw money and have ordered my other accounts!!! Oh and did i mention they are "investigating"

Oh and the useless bank with quite apparent terrible security is NEDBANK!!!!!

Well so here is hoping I get my bank cards, sell my couch and move out all before the end of the month... Lol

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